Saturday, May 1, 2021

Update 5/1/21 - MAY DAY!

Heh, there's no problem.  It's just May Day.  The first day of my favorite month of the year.  =o)

All of the tomatoes are transplanted into bigger pots - one egg carton space worth per pot.  So, I have 12 pots of tomato seedlings - some with only one but most have three to five in there.  I'll probably thin them after they get some more height.  

I've also done away with the carrot transplants that didn't take well and reseeded those containers with the new carrot seeds (they're pink!) and done two more Tampico Punch jugs with seeds.  Five seeds per container at the corners and in the middle.

The zucchinis seem to be thriving in their new pots.  The lettuces are also doing well in their containers.  I started new lettuce seeds last week and those are coming up gangbusters.

I never mention it, but I took one small onion out of the last batch I bought for eating and shoved it into the rosebed.  So far, so good.  Not sure what'll happen, but it was already going in the fridge, so I wasn't planning on eating it anyway.

Yeah, I'm kinda nuts.  This is all sort of a test to see what works and what doesn't.  If the tomatoes don't work well from seed, I'll buy plants next month.  Fingers crossed, though.  I really want my babies to grow and give me fruits.

1 comment:

  1. Gonna start calling you Ms. Greenjeans! You with your big ol' green thumb and all! Cheers to good growing weather and bountiful harvests. When the zuchinni comes in, I'm going to send you a book to read. LOLOL


Conversation Growth

Update - 8/2/21

I know I haven't been around in a while, but that's because not much is going on in the garden. Except today, I found a new flower o...