Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Zucchini Information

 Okay, so my zucchinis are still flowering, but still no fruits.  A friend of mine sent me this link to help me figure out the answer.  https://www.hgtv.com/outdoors/flowers-and-plants/vegetables/flower-fail-blossoms-arent-pretty-when-zucchini-wont-fruit

Huzzah.  So, zukes have their male and female parts in separate flowers instead all in each flower.  Silly gits.  As far as I can remember... I haven't been outside yet to look again... mine are only producing male flowers.  But I haven't really lifted their skirts up lately, so I could be wrong.  

Since zukes only have their flowers open first thing in the morning, I'll check when it's light out.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

In other news, I do have one tiny tomato.  But none of the rest of them are blooming, so I'm not holding out hope for more.  

Plant sex...  It's a thing.  I really need some bow-chicka-bow-bow going on out there or no fruits for the zukes and tomatoes.  Thank goodness no actual sex is necessary for carrots and lettuce.  Next year, I may plant a sexless garden - adding potatoes and maybe spinach.  Leaves and roots, baby.  You can't go far wrong with leaves and roots.

Update: 7:20am.  All the flowers on my zucchini plants are male.  Not a girl in the bunch.  Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever SEEN a female flower out there.  Which means all my previous attempts at hand-fertilizing was wasted.  It's like the Gay Men's Chorus out there.  Lots of show, but no chance of fertilization.  Now I need to research how to get my plants to make some girl flowers so they can make babies and give me veggies to eat.

Update:  7:40am.  Leaving this link here for future reference: 5 Reasons Your Squash Plants Are Only Producing Male Flowers  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCXSYt6dWUI

Update - 8/2/21

I know I haven't been around in a while, but that's because not much is going on in the garden. Except today, I found a new flower o...