Thursday, April 22, 2021

Update - No Pics

No pictures today because I'm tired and I'm lazy.

I just finished transplanting 6 zucchini plants as a test.  Each one has its own pot now.  If they go well, I'll transplant the others.  They all look good and the root bases for each was deep and plentiful, so fingers crossed.

I tried transplanting the lettuce into separate pots.  This did not go well.  The little lettuces have intertwined their little roots, so if I pull one to plant, they all go.  I may just eat those as seedlings.  I have started another egg carton with lettuce seeds.  We'll see how the next batch go.

I'm terrified to try transplanting the tomatoes yet.  When they get a little bigger, we'll give it a whirl.  And if it screws up, I have more seeds.  

I also planted more carrot seeds.  Three seeds in each Lays Stax plastic tube.  Four tubes set into an ice cream carton for easy transport.

Everything is out on the deck catching some rays now.  They'll all go back in the garage overnight again.  Soon, they'll be put outside and left there.

If nothing else, this is a good way to channel my frustrations with the world.  This I can control.  Well, almost.  Heh.

(PS.  I ate another little lettuce seedling.  Yum.)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are working--more or less. Tomatoes are pretty hardy once they hit about 5-6 inches tall. Don't forget to give them support. Tomato cages are ugly but they're there for their own good.*

    Grow and learn. Tis the way of gardening, grasshopper. 😋

    *see what I did there? LOLOL


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Update - 8/2/21

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