Monday, April 19, 2021

Winter Weather Advisory

It's April 19th and we're under a freakin' Winter Weather Advisory for tomorrow afternoon.  It's not supposed to be this cold this late in the season for this far south.  Blerg.

I had hoped to start moving the plants outside.  Lucky for me, I didn't start the process yet and my entire vegetable garden is still in the garage.  It won't be warm in there, but it will remain above freezing.  

I still need to start repotting some of the plants, but that will have to wait until I have more room, which means until after the freeze is over.  

Fingers crossed the flowering plants I have in my outside gardens survive the snap.  One year we had a snap that killed all the blossoms on our redbud tree. That sucked.  This year the redbud is about done blooming, but it has loads of baby leaves.  

Mother Nature is definitely drunk.

1 comment:

  1. Go home, Mother Nature! You're drunk!!!

    The garden gurus around around here suggest watering the more fragile plants and even spraying them once the temp gets down close to freezing because the spray will freeze on buds and insulate them. We're going to hit frost stage but not freeze so that's good. Crossing fingers that y'all don't get a hard freeze either.

    And yay for waiting so you don't have to move all the pots twice! Hang in there.


Conversation Growth

Update - 8/2/21

I know I haven't been around in a while, but that's because not much is going on in the garden. Except today, I found a new flower o...