Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Broke Down, Bought Plants

 All my plants are fine, but today I broke down and bought two tomato plants.  My seedlings are so tiny and I'm so impatient.  The new tomato plants are supposedly specifically designed for container gardening.  :fingers crossed:  Meanwhile, the seedlings will continue to grow - hopefully - and I'll get tomatoes from them later in the summer.  

I'm okay with this.  After all, this is the test year.  If growing tomatoes from seeds doesn't work, I'll go with plants only next year.  

The zukes are growing right along - all 17 of them.  We'll see what happens when they start to spread out.  My back deck could turn into a jungle.

1 comment:

  1. And you'd love every minute of that jungle. You are gonna have zukes galore if you aren't careful. LOL

    And I sort thing going with plants on tomatoes is the smart/easy way unless you start them indoors in like December. Just a thought.

    Happy green thumbing!


Conversation Growth

Update - 8/2/21

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