Thursday, May 27, 2021

Updates 5/27/21 and a Note

Note:  When you pick lettuce, you damn well better eat it right away or it gets wilty.  At least this kind of loose leaf butter lettuce goes wilty.  I had to throw out what I picked a couple days ago.  Bummer.

Updates:  I have buds on several of my zucchini plants now.  The two tomato plants I bought are getting tall and the shorter one has flowers.  The tomatoes I did from seeds are starting to get bigger.  The carrots are growing right along.  

I should probably thin the tomatoes I planted from seed, but I don't have the heart to kill those extra plants.  Silly, I know.  They need thinning to grow big and strong.  Well, for one of them to grow big.  The others would be dead.  See why I don't have the heart to do it?  I'd suck as a farmer.  And this is why we chose not to go into animal husbandry.  I'm pretty sure I could kill a rabbit if I had no other meat to eat, but since I can still get food from the store, I'm not in a position where I need alternative meat sources.  

The other day, I got a wild hair and bought an onion set.  A set is a bunch of baby onion plants.  You plug them into the ground and they grow into big plants with full-sized onions.  I'm planning on putting them in my flower gardens, here and there, to see where they'll grow best.  We'll see how that goes.  If it fails, I'll only have wasted $1.30.  

Speaking of money, I sat down and made a list of everything I've bought strictly for this garden thing.  I'm at about $55.  Not sure if the food I'll grow would've cost that much.  We'll see how this goes, too.  

It's all a learning curve this year.  

Today, we're supposed to get some particularly bad weather.  The plan is to bring everything inside - either in the sun room or in the garage.  Keep your fingers crossed it all goes well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey...your peace of mind and contentment is worth that $55! Just sayin'... And you have the pride of eatin' what you grow.

    Yeah, I totally sucked at being a rancher. I kept falling in love with the calves. And while I went hunting (and could actually hit what I aimed at), I usually just went to hang out with my dad. Same with fishing. I can "harvest", clean, and prepare if it ever becomes necessary but I'm hoping it never does. On that bright note, I'm off to beat my forehead on my desk while fighting Word. Later, tater! OOH! You soooo need to plant sweet potatoes. Their vines are awesome!


Conversation Growth

Update - 8/2/21

I know I haven't been around in a while, but that's because not much is going on in the garden. Except today, I found a new flower o...